Saturday, January 30, 2010
I lost.... I lost.... I lost.... Yippee!! (and phew!!)
A funny week, but I'm hoping this loss is a sign that I am really thinking about the consequences of when I eat things that aren't so healthy, and make up for it in other ways (whether it be by how hard I exercise, or what else I eat etc)!
On Tuesday it was Australia Day. I ended up sitting in the sun, sipping on water and diet mineral water to minimise the liquid calories, but indulged in BBQ hamburger, sausages, kangaroo, as well as some delicious deserts, including birthday pavlova, and lamingtons (for the US followers, do a google search- two of the most delicious Aussie deserts- YUMMO!!)...
Then on Friday it was my friend's 30th. We went to Chinese, and I left feeling so full!!! Aside from the fact we had lamingtons (again) in the office that day, I felt a bit scared to be eating Chinese after a week that ultimately wasn't the best eating week. But I opted for steamed rice instead of fried rice, and ordered a plate of Chinese vegetables to go on the lazy susan (which I ate most of anyway!!)... I did have some dim sims (pop suckers) and some duck too- which was DELICIOUS!!!!
I've been craving sweet food a little this weekend... but with nothing in my house that really resembles treats, I made myself some french toast- it was so good- and really, probably not all that bad for me- given that I decided to make that my dinner last night!!! I've had a lot of baked bean meals this week too!!!! Sounds shocking I know, but I've had a few late dinners and just wanted to eat something quick and easy!! A friend suggested low fat cheese on the toast, and then the baked beans, topped with bbq sauce and pepper... could just be my new favourite quick fix meal!!!!
Two mornings I didn't walk as well, and because of the public holiday I only had one personal training session.... So all I can say is that something must be going right!!!
And I'm also going to say that this week I'm going to work super hard to make sure none of those sweet things creep up on me this week!!!
I also started seeing a life coach this week- it was my first session, and I think it's going to go really well. She had me fill out a questionairre prior to meeting up, and she told me that my answers were very thorough. She noticed that this health kick / weight loss journey I am on is obviously one I'm very confident about, and she felt it didn't need us to spend too much time on it... She may be right.... there are days when it's still a struggle, but I know what I have to do, I've got the ball rolling, I've enlisted support, and have CG right beside me (albeit 10,000 miles away!!), and we have this blog!!
On Australia day, one of my best friends told me that he thought what I was doing was so good, especially the blog, because now everyone knows that I'm losing weight, and I can't fail, because everyone will know!!!! He also told me that my weight loss was really noticible around my middle... You know he's right... The support we've been looking for in this blog, is the support that is going to keep us on track- and if that support comes simply down to knowing that people are interested in our success, then it really does make it that bit easier to keep sight of the goal!
However it doesn't necessarily make the journey an easy one... although I've realised this week that I don't really feel like I'm dieting or sacrificing anything in my life to do this... not even chocolate!!!!! But I do have ups and downs- this week I've been feeling a bit depressed and down in the dumps, and there have been a few times when I have wondered to myself if it's all worth it... then I jump on the scales and see a 900 gram loss... of course it's all worth it- worth it to be healthier, worth it to feel more confident, worth it to look better, worth it to be proud of my achievements....
The clothes thing is becoming a bit of a problem for me.... Tops aren't so bad at the moment- those you can wear a bit bigger than they need to be and you can still get away with it (and I have lots of tops that I haven't worn for years that I can now wear), and jeans are no problem too, since I found that other pair last week, got the two pairs back from my bestie, and bought those bargain dark blue jeans.... but summer pants are the real problem... I have hardly any summer pants that I can wear. I have my 3/4 work pants, but I look like a drongo going out on a casual get together on weekends dressed in my work wear!!!!..... So hey- if anyone is throwing out size 14-16 clothes that are in reasonable condition, please think of me!!!! (The problem is twofold- firstly, for how many months there are left of summer, it hardly seems worth it, not to mention when I'm back in the USA for summer, I plan to be a smaller dress size again... and secondly I simply can't afford to be buying new clothes!).... I could just get around in by bathers and sarong I suppose!!!! lol...
Anyway- that's my week in a round about way!
Can't begin to tell you how proud I am of CG... WOW..........
Mental Challenge & A Reveal
I am also hoping it will help me with my mental challenge. I have all my weight loss weigh in logs and I have noticed that right around this time I have stopped losing weight in the past. I am not really sure why and I don't want to have the same thing happen. I think part of the reason is that dedication starts to fail. It really isn't as much fun anymore to eat healthy all the time. I am starting to suffer from cravings for junk food. I have been battling a craving for Chinese food for 2 weeks now! I think I will wait until I break the 30 lb weight loss marker and then order a small meal.
Overall I am proud of myself and will continue to work as hard as I can to get totally healthy.
So since Sid jumped off the cliff I am running and leaping after her (thank you Sid for continuing to be an inspiration!)! I started this journey on 11/28 at 200 lbs. Today I weighed in at 173.5 lbs. My goal is to be 135-140 lbs by the end of this journey. My short term goal is to be at least 160 by June for the summer months.
I hope you all had good weeks in some way and I thank you all for coming along with us. It is very cathartic to be able to open my heart to you all each week!
Be healthy and happy everyone!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Pulled Chicken Barbecue Wrap
1 c diet cola
1 c ketchup
1/4 c Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp hot pepper sauce, habanero-variety recommended
3 tbsp steak sauce
1 tsp dehydrated onion flakes
1 tsp garlic powder
1 1/2 lbs uncooked boneless, skinless chicken breast
1/8 tsp salt, or more
1/8 tsp black pepper, or more
4 medium whole wheat tortillas
1 c mixed greens
1. Preheat grill or broiler
2. Combine cola, worcestershire sauce, hot pepper sauce, steak sauce, onion flakes and garlic powder in a heavy saucepan; gradually bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat slightly to obtain a gently simmer; simmer barbecue sauce until reduced by a quarter, about 6-8 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, start to prepare chicken. Season chicken with salt and pepper; grill or broil chicken until cooked through, about 5-6 minutes per side. Remove chicken from grill and pull apart into shredded bite-size pieces with 2 forks (so you don't burn your hands).
4. Combine chicken and barbecue sauce in a medium bowl; mix to evenly coat.
5. Divide chicken mixture among tortillas, spooning about 1 c of filling onto bottom half of each tortilla; top with mixed greens. Fold tortilla bottom over filling and then fold sides in toward center to enclose filling. Yields one wrap per serving.
Also mentioned for a change of pace, serve chicken mixture over mashed potatoes or rice.
For those following points:
6 points/serving
4 servings
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Goodbye 800 grams!!
It's been an interesting week- a few cold mornings, and a few late nights resulted in no excercise for three days straight! It's been a while since I haven't done any exercise for that long... But I did buy a new pair of Asic Gels last weekend, and I have loved them every time I have put them on this week... It's like walking on a cloud!! My last pair were also Asic Gels, but I'd bought them in 2006 when I travelled around the world... I think I must have walked 50 miles in them just in New York!! Needless to say that in 3.5 years they'd seen a lot of the world, and in recent times walked the block many many times, and attended quite a few personal training sessions, and they just weren't offering the support I needed!!! (That sounds so funny- but you know what I mean). Also, they were literally starting to fall apart!! They say you should exercise for the equivalent to 500 kms or 500 miles (something like that) in a pair of sneakers- mine definitely did that and more... so they fared well!!! I have had sore shins this week though, and I'm hoping it's not because I got the cheaper of the Asics- I opted not to get the Duo Max, as they were another $60... The Duo Max offer anti roll, and a bit more arch support.... Maybe I'll have to save up to get an upgraded pair- perhaps I'll do that when I head to the USA mid year!
Temptations were in full swing this week... some delicious cookies at work.... lunches made for me that were scrumptious (and healthy) but didn't quite fit the standard meal profile that I follow.... and chocolate... and chocolate... and chocolate!!! Oh, and even some fresh licorice!!! I suppose I knew what I was doing, so perhaps I didn't indulge as much as I would have before I started on this weight loss journey?....
I also really pushed myself with my work outs this week, and changed my walks daily (I read somewhere that every now and then you should change your routine so that your body doesn't become too used to the activity that you are doing). One morning I ran the furthest I think I have ever run (that was the first morning I had my new Asics on!!); I had a walking buddy one morning, which was loads of fun.... we ran a little of the way, but mostly walked; the next morning I ran even further than the morning that I thought was the furthest I'd ever run!!! That morning I ran and ran and ran (okay, well I jogged and jogged and jogged is probably a better way to describe it!!), then walked a bit, then jogged and jogged and jogged... you get the picture!!! We had some tough work outs at training as well.... I am really enjoying the training. And this weekend I have walked for over an hour each morning, taking a gravel track for part of it, that has some inclines and declines as well...
I have had a niggling knee thing going on this week- it's a bit stiff and 'clicky'.... I've decided to start having fish oil tablets, since I don't really eat seafood, and apparently the fish oil is good for your joints... maybe that will make a difference. I don't think I've ever spoken about vitamins and that kind of thing on the blog- each day I take a women's multi vitamin, a B complex and Magnesium... and now fish oil... I was taking them 7 days a week, but have decided to have a rest from them on the weekends- I don't know if there is any benefit in doing that, but I figure the tablets will last longer, saving me a few dollars, and my body will be more ready for them at the beginning of each week!!! If anyone knows of any great vitamins to be taking, particularly to support weight loss, or great health, I'd love to hear about it....
My best friend told me this week that she thinks I'm losing my 'bum' (my butt for the US followers!!)... And the girls at personal training are still ranting on about how thin I'm looking.... I weigh 92.3kg (203lbs), so I think they're all going a bit overboard... but it does make me feel better!!!
Some friends on facebook have been commenting that they think I'm looking great too... I am not sure how this can be since I've really only posted head shots lately, but they say they can see it in my face... And my flat mate (who is sadly moving out- so if anyone knows someone in Melbourne looking for a room to rent, send them my way!!) who I haven't seen in months said he could see it in my face and neck.... It really is nice to get the compliments... I just hope my belly disappears soon- that's the area I hate the most (and my boobs!!!)....
CG shared a great link with me this week- I want to share it with you all too (I hope you don't mind CG)...
This article really rings true for the both of us.... we can really relate.
It's been another tough week financially, with the notification that my flat mate is moving out only adding to the problem... I think I may be suffering from some depression around this, which is probably the reason for the chocolate binging.... So the answer is that I have to do something about it right?? I have some ideas in mind, the first being to apply for some jobs that are a bit more challenging, and more in my duties and salaries expectations.... I haven't done my tax yet (no comments on that please- I know it's crazy late)- but that money will go straight to my cruise (that I'm going on in November- just another incentive to lose weight!!!) and the rest on the credit card! I cannot let these money problems give me a reason to binge eat, as it only makes me feel worse.... If anyone has any ideas to help me avoid that, I'd love to hear those too!
It's Australia Day on Tuesday, so a public holiday. I think I'll be having a bbq lunch that day- so hope to fill up on salads!! And I'll only have one personal training session because of the public holiday, so will have to make the most of the morning walks... I'm seeing a life coach on Wednesday night too... will be very interesting to see what comes out of that (I'm hoping that it will be a really positive experience). And it's my bestie's hubby (who I also consider a bestie)'s 30th on the weekend... so lots to look forward to...
I've been cooking meals, and freezing them in hope that the control over portion sizes will aid in some extra weight loss.... Hopefully I'll have another great result next week. Hope you all have a great week too.
Oh, and another thing... I'm competing in a 'Human Race' for charity!! It's going to be like a mini Amazing Race... Here's the link to what we are doing. If you feel that it's a cause you'd like to donate to, we'd appreciate the support, as would the charities.
I've entered a weight loss competition- read my application!
So, in an act of boldness, not only am I going to share my application letter with the blogging world, as well as the photos that I sent in.... That's the bold part... There are two photos in particular that I am so ashamed of (in that, how on earth did I ever allow myself to look like this), and two that I love (naturally they are head shots, not body shots!!!)...
The magazine is a mag that only publishes reader's stories, so it's pretty light hearted. The link to the comp is
If anyone else enters, I'd love to see your applications too!!! Gives us a bit of an insight into what makes us tick I suppose.... Below is my application:
"Hi That's Life,
I was checking out the recent stories on your website and came across the article about you guys wanting to help people lose weight.
I'm a 34 year old single girl, who has battled with weight for what seems like forever. As a kid I would get picked on for being bigger than everyone else- ironic really, because when I look back on photos of when I was a kid, I think I looked pretty normal!!!
About eight years ago or so, I went to Weight Watcher's to lose weight. I was about 83kg when I went there, and was feeling pretty bad about myself. I lost 13 kgs and was a size 10-12, and wearing the clothes I fit into when I was 18 and 21 years old!!! A great feeling.... I was 70kg and only 2kg off what Weight Watcher's told me was the top of the weight range for my height (about 165cm)- those extra 2kg just wouldn't come off, so I gave up Weight Watchers. The last seven or so years have been a journey of putting all that weight on, plus more. In October 2009, I weighed in at 100.1 kgs and realised it was time to do something. I have been a size 18 for at least four to five years. (Not to mention that my father has been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and had to have his little toe removed- I really don't want that to happen to me)....
I didn't really want to do fad diets (I remember in high school only eating apples for a few weeks to make a few kilos budge- what on earth was I thinking??), and I don't have much money, so can't afford to do any of the fancy weight loss clubs or things like 'lite n easy'. So I decided to go it alone.
I've found a personal trainer who does group training sessions, and if I pay for five I get one free. At $10 a class, they're about as much as I can afford. I've also started walking, and am at a stage where I can run for part of that, each morning. I am now 93kg and a size 16.
I've used facebook to gain encouragement from a wide range of people- those that know me well and see me all the time, to those that I haven't seen in 20 years or so!!! Through that I have discovered a large amount of people that also want to lose weight, and one in particular that wanted to go on the journey with me. She lives in the USA, where I was an exchange student- we knew each other in high school from when I was there (18.5 years ago!!!)... We've started a blog together that we write about our challenges and successes in, and we have a small following of friends through that too.
But, my problem has been that although over the years I have kept up some activity (mostly dance classes), I over eat, and I eat bad things, and I blame a busy lifestyle on the fast foods that I put down my throat. I'm much better now, but I am only losing about 200 or 300 grams a week, and would really like to be losing more. On top of that, I am terrified that it's only a matter of time until I fall off the bandwagon again.... I really do not want to fail this time- so all the help I can get will be of benefit to me- this I am certain of.
I am single, and have been since 2001 (with the exception of a few non serious relationships here and there), and I know that it's my own image issues that have been in the way of me meeting someone special. I'm not getting any younger, and I don't want to end up and old spinster because I battled with the fact that I am fat my whole life (and who would love a fat person, right?)....
Anyway- I have attached a picture of me- one in my swimsuit, that is from this summer, and was taken as my 'before' shot (even though this is actually after I'd lost 6 kg!!), and I've put in a headshot. People tell me that I am pretty- but it's 'pretty' hard to believe that when all you see in yourself are the rolls around your middle, and tree trunk legs....
I'd love to hear back from you. I don't know what you have in mind for the winners of this competition. But as long as it doesn't cost me much money, and it's a plan that can fit in with a single person's lifestyle, I'd be really appreciative for the chance to give it a go! Hope to hear from you."
So I'll let you know if I am contacted by That's Life...... All the help and support I/we can get, is only going to make this journey an easier one.... and I think that when we all look back on this time, it will be with smiles, and with happy memories.... because we did this together.... I think it's even more incentive to make this journey a life long one, rather than a quick fix one... The support and happy memories and the good feeling about this journey are what's going to help embed it as a journey that is going to give us life long results.... "FOREVER".
My First Gain.. And It's Okay
Well guess what? All my clothes still fit and I only gained 2 lbs! That might sound like a contradiction to be glad you gained 2 lbs. I am not glad I gained but glad it was only 2 lbs and not more. Glad that my clothes still fit, glad that I CAN do this even when it is tough. It is unrealistic to expect that I will never have a gain for the rest of my life. This has almost rejuvenated me to jump back even harder than before and luckily I am starting to feel better. As is always the case I need to be a little nicer to myself.
I want to celebrate some of the positive things that happened this week. I went to the my endocrinologits (I have Hashimoto's, and underactive thyroid) and he was congratulated me on losing weight. My cholesterol is great. They want it to be under 200 and mine is 120! My blood pressure 135/77. That was a little higher than I would have liked but I had caffeine and sodium this week so not surprising. I also had several people at work notice that I am losing weight! Hmm.. could they have read last week's post? Hope so...:-)
So this week is dedicated to hitting it harder than ever and not losing control. I hope you all had a good week!
Curvy Girl
Monday, January 18, 2010
Feed a Cold (and a recipe)
I was tired but I had walked three dogs, shopped, seen a movie and was running with errands until 10pm. Seemed normal to me. I got up yesterday feeling very tired and achy. Much to my dogs dismay I passed on walking them in favor of laying around most of the day. I don't lay around.. it bores me. But I pulled my big furry blanket to the couch and lay there all day long. (all right.. I bathed the dogs but that was it)I was SOOOOOO hungry all day long but yet nothing was making me feel better. I ate a ton of stuff! They say feed a cold and let me tell you I did. I even broke my 2 month no caffeine rule and had some cola. It bothers me that this happened but as Sid has pointed out I don't think average people worry about stuff like this. As long as I don't do it all the time I will be okay. I am making good progress and I am allowed to indulge sometimes.. especially when I don't feel good.
The fever hit today but I will be back on track with eating and I WILL walk tonight. It won't be a race but something is better than nothing.
And now for the recipe! This sounds so scrumptious! I got if off the Weight Watchers website. If you make it let me know how it is. It is on my list of things to try!
Apple Braised Chicken
2 tsp vegetable oil
1 lb uncooked boneless, skinless chicken breast (4 four oz pieces)
2 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 large onion sliced
2 medium apples, firm, cored and sliced
1 c apple cider
1 c fat-free chicken broth
1/2 tsp table salt
1/2 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp cornstarch
1. In a large, heavy bottomed skillet, warm oil over high heat. Toss chicken with flour in a medium bowl, patting off excess. Place chicken in skillet and brown well on both sides. Remove chicken from pan and set aside.
2. Reduce stove temperature to low and add onion to skillet. Saute, stirring often, until onion is tender and lightly browned.
3. Stir in apples, cider, chicken broth, salt ginger and chicken. Bring to a simmer, cover and cook for 30 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to transfer chicken, onions and apples to a serving dish.
4. In a small bowl, whisk together the corn starch and 2-3 tablespoons of pan juices. Combine cornstarch mixture with remaining pan juices, whisking constantly. Simmer for one minute. Pour sauce over chicken and serve.
Yields 1 chicken breast and about 3/4 cup of apple-onion mix per person. (5 points)
Flavor Booster: Pears and chicken are an appealing combination. Substitute 2 ripe Bartlett or Comice pears, peeled, cored and diced for the apples, 1 cup sparking pear cider for the apple cider and 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg for the ginger.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A loss is a loss!!!
Seriously though, I was just thinking about these tiny losses that I've been having.... There are times when it bums me a little- I mean, I'd LOVE to be losing big numbers, but then I got thinking, and I have not gained weight since I started, so really, I'm on the right track... The small losses might make the journey a longer one for me, but hey- as long as the outcome is a smaller, happier, healthier me, then I say bring it on!!
I was hoping for another decent week like last week, my best friend thought the same.... But then as I wrote in my last entry, money has been tight, so realistically I wasn't able to eat the same variety I would usually.... One of the girls at work even made me lunch one day, and bought in a week worth of snacks for me this week.... They were foods that fit in with the diet- she's very concious and supportive of what I'm doing- so that did help to give me some variation in my eating this week....
But I just did a big grocery shop.... so I should be set for the next couple of weeks at least... I was excited to find a box of bircher style muesli, which I can't wait to sample.... And I think this week I'm going to make and freeze a vegetarian stir fry type meal, as well as something with meat and vegies in the slow cooker.... That way, I can portion control my meals for probably the next two weeks or so- as well as giving me instant meals without having to think about them too much.... this in itself is 'milestone' thinking for me- I am not usually one to cook and freeze food!!!
Last night I discovered a new bar/restaurant in the city- it's a rooftop bar (my favourite type) and it's called The Tuscan Bar- they made awesome sangrias, and we ate tappas and antipasto for dinner, followed by Affogato for dessert (and I wonder why I didn't lose a lot of weight this week!!!) Seriously though, when I first decided that I was going to put in a lot of effort to lose weight, and I started this journey, I was afraid almost to go out to eat.... Now I just chose carefully.... And prepare in advance- ie watch what I eat during the day, drink a bit more water that day than usual, try not to snack between meals so much if I'm going out, do a harder work out than usual.... etc etc.... And to tell you the truth- it makes me feel 'normal'!!! (if there is such a thing!!)... I mean, isn't that what people without weight issues do???
Anyway- my 300 grams today brings me to exactly 7 kgs lost since my first weigh in back in late October. (7kg = approx 15.4 lbs). For the sake of being open and honest, I now weigh 93.1kg (approx 205 lbs)..... I still have nearly triple that to go- but I'm on my weigh, and feeling good about it...
Out to dinner again tonight, but that should be it for this week.... so I should be able to really stay on track with eating... and excercising... Wish me luck for a great weight loss week.... (I bought new sneakers today- so definitely no excuses re excercise this week- after all I have to wear them in!!!)...
Yesterday I had lunch with my best friend (this must be confusing! I have a few best friends! For the sake of this blog, yesterday was with Bestie S). She's pregnant, due in six weeks, and quite a while ago, I leant her some clothes of mine- the smaller ones... Yesterday she gave me a lot of them back- my favourite size 12 outfit (which I cannot wait to get back on!!), my favourite size 14 (a very small 14 I might add) jacket, and two pairs of size 16 jeans that I bought probably well over 5 years ago....
I didn't think any of it would fit- I mean although I'm a size 16 now, I've been convinced that sizings have got a bit bigger since I was last a 16!! But alas- both pairs fit like a glove.... It's like I have two new pairs of jeans (even though they were already mine to start with!!!)... And the jacket fit in the back and arms, but is a long way from being buttoned up- but that's okay too!!! So exciting!!! And did I mention that I too went through my wardrobe... I haven't thrown any clothes out yet (as I'm still wearing some of them until it's impossible to any more), but I did try on old clothes that I haven't worn in years- and to my surprise and delight, they fit!!!! (Being a hoarder is paying off a bit right now!!!)
Well, my new vision is to have arms like Jennifer Aniston- it will probably take years of training and hard work- but I'd love to have little skinny arms that have muscle definition- not like a body builder, but just like a person who looks after themselves... And I really want to lose the flabby tummy.... So I think I may have to challenge myself to do more crunches outside of training days!!!
Enjoy the week all.... :)
Today I Celebrate Me

What a week it has been! There has been STRESS all over the place and I was really feeling worried about the scales this week as I indulged in some extra healthy foods again.
Last night I had some alone time I so decided to clear the closet of bigger clothes that I need to get rid of. Boy was I surprised when half my closet wound up on the floor! Some of it was sad as there were things I had only worn once but that is tempered by the fact that I look better and I had saved some smaller clothes so I don't have to go buy a whole new wardrobe yet!
I lost 3 lbs this week! It was a success and thankfully I am not letting the stress trigger any binges. I am an emotional eater and stress usually would send me to chocolate and other lovely tasting things in large quantities. I grocery shopped after work last night before dinner and I was SOOOO hungry that everything in the store looked good and I wanted to eat it. So I made a deal with myself. I put it in my cart and if at the end before I checked out I still wanted it I would get it. Everything went back because it was just an impulse and not a true hunger.
I have basically gone down a whole size in clothes now. I lose faster on top than I do the bottom which is a frustration to me but there are so many things about my body I am liking better. My booty looks pretty perky right now. Nice waist is getting tinier and my hips are getting curvier in a good way. I have not been this thin since April of 2008! I do have fabulous cheekbones when I am at a good weight and I am starting to see signs of them. I feel just a little more confident than I did before and now at least I have clothes that I would feel good in if I go out.
I have run into the opposite of Sid in that people in my daily life haven't said really that they have noticed I have lost weight. Here's a tip for everyone.. NO ONE gets mad if you say they look like they have lost weight. Don't go overboard and say they look so much better now (cuz I looked like crap before?) but acknowledgement is a tool also.
I am eager to hear some of your stories, triggers and tips. You guys are really helping Sid and I just by knowing you read our blog. So keep following and sign up for automatic updates. Let us know if there is something that you want more of in the blog!
I will add a recipe later this week. Apple Braised Chicken!
Curvy Girl
Friday, January 15, 2010
Who Says Men Don't Notice?!!!
It's funny- 2009 was a real 'shake things up' kind of year for me. I went from being a well paid professional, to a crappy paid administrator.... Something that for the last 4 months or so has been a godsend! But now the financial burden is really starting to take it's toll, and my stress levels are paying the price... I know I'll be okay in the end... But the funny part, is that in the past I would likely have opted for high carbs, over eating, chocolate indulging, even a night of binge drinking (or two) ..... but the other day I was pondering my current predicament, and I actually caught myself saying to myself "Well at least I have my weight loss journey"!!! Amazing.... could I be well on the way to a complete change of thinking!!! I really am enjoying the excercise, the healthier eating.... I had a couple of cookies today, and an ice-cream tonight at the movies, and I actually felt like a normal person who has eaten well during the day, has excercised, and who had nothing to feel guilty about in enjoying those few things.... This could nearly be a first for me!!
A couple of blogs ago, I mentioned that I was thinking of buying a vibration machine.... I got talking to Kelly (my Personal Trainer) and she told me that it is legitimately much better for you to do resistance training, and the impact that resistance training will have on your body will way out-do any results that a vibration machine would give you.... So there's my answer!! Just continue doing what I'm doing!!! lol...
I also have been meaning to share this for a while.... I read on a friend's facebook page, that to burn off the calories from eating ONE m&m you would have to run the length of an American Football Field!!!! OMG- can you believe that.... I nearly died.... Although it's a fact that hasn't necessarily been at the forefront of my mind when I have the opportunity to sample a chocolate- it's something that I have put enough thought into that it has deterred me from time-to-time from eating something I shouldn't!!!! A WHOLE length of a football field... ONE m&m!!! Amazing!
Now, I am proud to say with confidence that I am officially a size 16 all over. I mentioned a couple of blogs ago that I'd dropped a dress size (from an 18 to a 16) but I hadn't really put it to the test.... I have since tried more clothes on, and have also gone back through my wardrobe to pull out clothes I haven't worn in years- and yippee, the hard work must be paying off!!!
In addition to that, I have been recieving more compliments this week... Which is making me feel great.
The girls at my training group seem the most surprised. I didn't see any of them for the two weeks over Christmas and New Year, last week they all commented that I looked like I'd lost weight, but this week they seem to be gobsmacked by the transformation.... I think they may be exagerating a bit, but it's nice all the same!!
My best friend told me my fingers looked thinner.... At the time I didn't really think she was onto anything with that, but today I noticed that my rings were feeling a bit looser on my finger- so maybe they are thinning down!!!!
But the best compliment of the week came from one of the guys at work. He too is seeing a trainer, who sounds more like a boot camp marshall than a trainer, and he said to me "Well it's obvious that you've lost a fair bit of weight"!!! And they say that guys don't notice these things!!! That comment really made me smile!
All the compliments are not wasted on me- they really mean so much.... and at the moment they spur me on, and I find I think about them for extra motivation. In saying that, when I'm wearing clothes I sometimes catch myself thinking that I can see the difference, but I'm also still telling myself that I might just be imagining it.... Sadly, when I am without clothes on, I don't really see any difference.... Perhaps this is where I really need to work on my own self image issues.... I have to admit, I am terrified of getting to around 70kg and still seeing the me I am today in the mirror- the flabby arms, the rolls/folds of skin, the jelly belly, the celulite legs, the saggy boobs etc....
Anyway, I've been continuing with the interval training, and am slowly noticing that I can run further and further each interval as I go on.... I can imagine myself being able to fun a few kilometres or more in a few months if I keep this up! I like to do fun runs, but I always walk them, maybe later in the year I might be able to run them- now that's something to aspire towards!!
Well, I'll let you know how the scales treat me on Sunday. In the meantime, have a great weekend!!
Don't Just Follow Us, SUBSCRIBE As Well!!!
Another balmy night here Down Under! And it struck me that we should probably let you all know that our blog has been modified. CG, who is the whiz behind the making of the actual page, has now added a 'SUBSCRIBE' button. You should see it on the left of the page.
As you may, or may not know, CG and I live on opposite sides of the world. Back (in what seems like a million years ago) I was an exchange student, and went to high school with CG. Through modern technology and the wonders of social networking sites (let's face it- it was facebook!!!) we have reconnected.
Ironically, we ended 2009 in a very similar circumstance. We'd both decided, quite adamantly, that we wanted to get healthy and lose weight- not for the short term, but for life. It's no secret that making big lifestyle changes can be tough, but it's always easier when you make them with someone else..... So together we made a pact that we would go on this journey together, and as a follow on to that "Two Friends Journey" was born!
The idea behind "Two Friends Journey" was for us to have an outlet to share what we are going through, with each other, with other people, with ourselves, and to also hopefully spur some interest from people who might be going on a similar journey, or who would like to offer us extra support as we work to changing our lives for the better and for the long term.
By SUBSCRIBING to our blog, you will recieve emails to let you know when the blog has been updated, so that you can see what we've been up to, without having to check every once and a while! And hopefully give you more of an opportunity to join in chats with us, offer advice, comment on our blogs, check out CGs recipes, or websites we share etc.....
So please, join up to follow us- the more the merrier!! But don't forget to SUBSCRIBE as well.....
And I can't finish without saying- thank you so much for reading this- it means so much to both of us. The blog is something we both look forward to sharing with everyone so much these days, and has become a really important part of our journey!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Feeling Good Today!

I got up this morning feeling like I wanted to dress up a little. I have the GREAT pencil skirt that I have only worn twice because it was too tight and uncomfortable. I tried it on and it was too big. I added the belt it came with.. not enough holes to make it tight enough. I dug out my other skirt.. too big. I was doing the happy dance at 5am this morning! All I had was a wrap dress in the very back of the closet. It is too big but because it is a wrap dress I just wrapped it and tied it tighter.. accentuates my waist nicely! For the first time in years I am adding a picture of me full body. It isn't the best picture but a big step our for me and I feel so good today I am ready to share. I have a LONG way to go but have come a long way and even if I didn't lose another pound (which I will) I have succeeded!
Oh new dark blue jeans, how I love the!!! (And other stories from my week!)

On Monday night I was shouted to dinner (ie had dinner paid for me) by an old friend- it was a perfect night, we headed to the beach, and had dinner at a beachside restaurant and watched the sun set- sounds romantic, but there were no single men in sight (the universe needs to work on that one for me!)- I opted for a lamb salad for dinner.... then we walked.... then we indulged in a little gelati! Yum yum....
On Wednesday night it was my best friend's birthday. We had noodles from the noodle shop for dinner. I opted for rice noodles (lower GI) and asked for less noodles and more vegetables, and also opted for a vegetarian option... Delicious... And FILLING!!! And yet I still made room for a small piece of strawberry mousse birthday cake- it was SOOOOOOO good!!!
On Saturday night, we had a big group of 25 or so go to the RSL at the Beach for dinner.... I had pork steaks with mashed potatoes, snow peas, and salad.... I gave the fries away! Another filling meal!!
So with all that eating out- and you may recall my depression eating of the lindt balls after I found out I'd hardly lost any centimetres from my body last week- you can imagine my thrill in seeing the scales tell me this morning that I had lost 1kg (2.2lb) from last week. As you know, Sunday is my regular weigh in day, but I spent the weekend at the beach again, so had a Monday morning weigh again!
This week I've really given the interval training a go. The first morning I tried it, I wore my slimming belt (or "not-so-slimming" belt as I have become accustomed to calling it, seeing it makes me look huge when I'm wearing it!!! lol) and my pants kept falling down!!!! It didn't take long for me to get annoyed with that and just go back to normal walking. But the second day I tried the interval training (without the belt, my pants stayed up!!!) I loved it! It took 8 minutes off my usual half hour walking route, which meant that I had some time spare to jump on the Wii for some steps and hula hoops!!!
I've been alternating walking and interval training since- and it feels really good... I think the interval training will really boost my strength and fitness levels- when I'm doing it, I can actually imagine myself being able to run the whole distance in the future!!
So the thrill of one whole kilogram lost is awesome, and it comes after a week of some real ego boosting compliments!!
First compliment:
One of my best buddies was walking behind me, and told me that my butt was looking great!!
Second compliment:
The same friend told me she was jeallous of me when she saw me in my swimsuit.... Let's face it, I still do NOT look good in a swimsuit, but her comment was that she could really tell that I had lost weight, and thought it was particularly noticible in my legs and hips! :)
Third compliment:
When we stay at the beach, we stay in a caravan park that has a toilet/shower block. I was in there one morning in my walking gear, and was leaning over the basin (since this is an honest blog, I was squeezing a zit- and YES, at 34 I still get the horrid little suckers- my mother lied when she told me that once I was out of my teens I'd never get pimples again!!!), anyway- I was leaning over the basin, and I didn't see one of my friends walk in- she saw me- but she didn't realise it was me until she saw me later in the same outfit... She said she initially looked at me from behind and thought it was me, but then said to herself "That's not her butt"!!!! Lovin' it!!
Fourth compliment:
When we go out for dinner when we're staying at the beach, we go out of our way to get a little dressed up (since most days we lounge around in our swimsuits and civies). I wore my new size 16 jeans, with a strapless black top, and low strappy heals, with a green beaded necklace. I had my hair down. One of the older guys who has a caravan opposite, but that faces away from us, was walking towards us, I had my back to him, and he said "Wow, who's that sexy chick in those dark blue jeans?"!!! I turned around and thanked him for such a lovely compliment, and he told me they looked FANTASTIC!!!!!
Whoever would have thought that losing just less than 7kg would result in such great compliments.... I have to admit, today I caught myself in the mirror and thought it looked like perhaps my shoulders have slimmed down- but I don't see it that much anywhere else- but then hey, I look at myself every day- right?!!
I took my 'before' picture this weekend... Oh what a wake up call.... A wake up call that in my next summer (which lucky for me will be in less than 6 months!!!) I will NOT look the way I do now..... I accept that the backs of my knees may never really be lovely to look at, and that the celulite may never go away, but the size is going to be smaller.... I promise myself that!
I had another moment worthy of blogging when we were at dinner at the RSL. One of the girls got a huge slice of mars bar cake for desert- she couldn't eat all of it, and asked if I wanted any.... I knew I didn't want it, but couldn't resist the tempation to have a small taste... One of the other girls bailed me up, and in a stern voice asked me if it was worth it, and why did I go on my walk that morning if I was going to have some of that cake.... Being a smart alec, I told her I walked so that I could have that small taste of cake.... Later I got thinking about it though, and I realised that I was lying.... I went walking that morning to be healthy and to lose weight... I went for a taste of that cake because I struggle to resist temptations.... Two days later, I couldn't even tell you or explain to you what that tiny sample of cake (by tiny I mean not even a teaspoon size) tasted like... so was it worth it??? NO.... I know that a tiny piece of cake like that would probably not alter the scales- but I can't even really give you a good reason why I had to try it!! Just another thing I have to work on!!!!
Again, last week, my personal training sessions ended up being one-on-ones as noone else showed up- so I had some huge work outs!!
I'm so excited that people seem to be seeing a change in me- and people who have not been provoked to say something nice!!! lol... I'm always up and down- but today I feel rather UP (although tired from the 43 degree celcius day - I think that's about 115 degrees farenheit!) and I'm excited about the next week.... It would be SO awesome to lose another kilogram!!
You may also notice that the blog page has been updated- you can now subscribe to the blog, which will mean that you will get email notifications when the blog has been updated! Hopefully this will help our lovely friends and followers to keep track of where we're at, and offer us some tips, support, advice, comments, etc along the way!
And with that, over and out! :)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
This Week Was Hard (and a recipe)
1. It only takes your body about 20 days to adjust to what you are currently doing and it won't have as much impact. I am very tight on time with being a single mom responsible for the house and 3 dogs. Walking the dog daily is my main form of exercise. Does anyone have some quick ways to add to my exercise routine that will give me a boost? I am adding Jillian Michaels on the Wii (she is a goddess!) but I find my calves hurt after all the running. I eat bananas every day but if you have other suggestions to help with this I would appreciate it.
2. Hi, my name is Curvy Girl and I am an emotional eater. This week was VERY stressful for me. There is a person missing at work who I had to pick up for, the snow because my car is a moving death trap in it and I drive 50 miles round trip every day for work and my daughter had some problems this week. I ate more than I should have and didn't track it all. I am proud that normally I would have bought a bag of chips and then wondered how I got to the bottom but this week I ate extra oyster crackers and sometimes didn't eat all my points for the day. Not eating enough can cause your body to hold onto what you have just in case of emergencies.
3. The weather had a major impact due to walking the dog. I have been pretty dedicated even with winter but it was majorly cold this week and we can't go as long as normal. I went one day and cut it short after I couldn't feel the skin under my eyes (yes I had on a scarf). The snow is a blessing and a curse. It makes the walk harder on me due to trudging through all the inches of snow but after falling and hurting my wrist I am nervous because I can't see the ice. I have slipped but not fallen 3 times since I hurt my wrist.
4. The last item is almost the most important to me. I have written about trying to be more positive and kind to my body and not passing on my issues to my daughter. This week it was really brought home to me that I have already done that in a way but I WILL reverse it. My daughter was rubbing my back and she told me "Good job mom! You're back feels smaller, only a little flab there.". I knew her intention was to compliment me on my success so far but she has no idea that the word flab is not nice. Why? Because I talk about my "flab", "fat", "disgusting stomach", and other not nice words. I wouldn't say these things to others in a million years or let her say them to others but I said them out loud to myself enough that she has accepted them as normal body words. This is how this cycles get started huh?
So this week was hard but I was talking to Sid and she reminded me that this is one week in many weeks to come. Puts it in perspective huh? (Sid you are so smart!) I tend to get bogged down in the race and loose focus on the journey but I am back on track and more determined than ever.
Sid and I are doing a photo shoot this summer when we get together face to face in our bathing suits. You guys have any other suggestions? We are trying to keep fun things out there to help with our motivation.
The recipe is a WW and delicious! I am trying to keep them simple because I hate taking too much time or having to buy a million ingredients. If you want more complex recipes let me know. I chose chocolate this week because really who can't use that sometimes? Enjoy and let me know how you like and send us your recipes!
Chocolate Marshmallow Fudge
1 2/3 c sugar
2/3 c fat free evaporated milk
2 tbsp reduced calorie margarine
2 oz semi-sweet chocolate, chopped (about 1 1/2 cups)
14 large marshmallows
1. Coat an 8x8 inch pan with cooking spray
2. Stir together the sugar, evaporated milk, and margarine. Bring to a boil in a sauce pan, reduce heat to medium-low and cook 3 minutes, stirring constantly.
3. Stir in chocolate and marshmallows. Remove from heat and stir until smooth.
4. Pour into pan and refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours. Cut into 36 squares and serve. (Leave fudge in refrigerator or freezer for a firmer consistency)
1 point per square
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Over the Christmas/New Year period, I walked every day (accept last Sunday). I did a power, serious walk first thing each morning, and then while we were at the beach, we'd walk to the shops each day (probably only a 2km round trip, strolling- but it all counts). AND I maintained two personal training sessions each week.
After dropping those dress sizes, I want to go to PT every night!!! Wish I could afford it.... I've fairly much decided that I am going to register with the local netball stadium to be listed as a fill in player- hopefully it will mean some extra exercise in a new environment, new opportunities to meet new people, and hopefully some cheap excercise too (as often the team will pay for a fill in)... (Netball is an Australian game similar to basketball, but with no travelling- google it for more info!!)...
I've bought some things to help me get more out of my walks- I have bought wrist and ankle weights. I can't seem to keep the ankle weights on (the velcro comes undone) so I'm going to have to find a solution to that one. But the wrist weights are great- and I think they actually contributed to me being able to do stronger push ups at training!! I also bough a slimming belt. It's an elasticised belt (made out of a material somewhat like wetsuit material I guess), and the idea is that it keeps the heat in while you are working out, it makes you sweat more in that area, and in turn makes you lose the centimetres!! I hope it does just that.... I really hate my flabby belly!!! So far, you barely notice you are wearing it, but when you take it off, it's incredible to see how much it makes you sweat!!
I've been contemplating buying a vibration machine. I've heard some good things about them- but then I read an article that suggests that there is no scientific proof that they really make a difference, and that you are best to just do regular excercise..... then again, I also heard that 10 minutes on a vibration machine is equivalent to an hour in the gym- that to me sounds like excellent time management (of course in addition to the excercise I'm already doing).... Would love feedback if anyone has any about vibration machines!!
Tonight at training, Kelly got me doing some core strength excercises followed by some interval cardio.... She had me running up and down stairs for 40 seconds, follow by 20 seconds of catching my breath. We repeated this ten times. All up ten minutes. And wow- did I work up a sweat and was out of breath!!! Kelly said that interval training was one of the best ways to burn fat. She assures me that if I do 2 or 3 interval sessions on a half hour walk a week, I will see the difference much quicker. I'm going to give it a go! I'm going to chose a some visual targets and run between them, then walk at a slower pace between the next two targets, then run, then walk etc (you get the picture)- you build up a sweat much quicker working out this way too.... your heart rate going up and down...
Kelly keeps telling me that she'll get me down below 70kgs- that would be so amazing- imagine if I exceeded my own expectations of myself in that way- what a huge accomplishment and what an awesome feeling that would be!!!
She's running a six week challenge- the winner getting a free personal training session. She's give us a food plan, and tips etc.... I haven't done too much about it yet- but hope to join in the best I can... need to do a grocery shop to really get the best out of it. But am looking forward to partaking in this challenge, and seeing how the others go (that Kelly trains)!!
CG and I are going to be meeting up mid year, and have spoken about doing a photo shoot- infact a swimsuit shoot. We're both going to take before shots in our swimsuits as well... it will be very interesting... We're thinking we may get professional photos taken!! So much fun- and definitely incentive to make sure that the next six months are successful!!! I have found a swimsuit I'm in love with. It comes in white or black. Naturally I think go black, but the white looks stunning, and may be the way to go. My trainer says BUY IT NOW!! Maybe I should.... Check it out:
CG thinks I should get it now.... what do you all thinK?!!
With websites in mind now that I posted that link, I've been meaning to share a website I have come across. I haven't maximised it's functionality yet- but it's a brilliant tool. The website is
You can put in almost any food and it will tell you how many calories are in it. You can plan meals so you know how many calories you'll be eating. They even have the Calorie King University, so that you can be educated in being healthy etc.... If yoiu check it out, let me know what you think!!
Being in a bad mood tonight, I found myself self sabotaging... ironically I was in control... but sabotaging all the same.... I indulged in some chocolate.... I'm not down on myself about it, but I still wonder what it is in me that makes me do that to myself.... I need to do some serious self image work this year.... afterall, this journey is for life- I want a long life, as a person who isn't always chasing a weight loss goal! I read something in the paper on the weekend that said "eat to live, not live to eat"- how true.... that may be my slogan from now on!
Anyway, I think you're now all updated on where I'm at!!
Have a wonderful week! :)
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly!!
- Continuing the health kick I have been on, and achieve a target weight of 70kg (about 155lbs)
- Find a new job that is rewarding, diverse, interesting, and close to home (oh and that pays well)
- To date more
- To remove my eye make-up every night (this one I am NOT doing a very good job at!!)
- To save money so that I not only can have my trip to the USA and my cruise in November, but also so that I can have around $10,00 in savings (I really need the new job to make this one happen!!!)
So, I have so much to write about.... In true Sid style, I'm bound to write a novel!! I've been away for most of the Christmas and New Year period- being summer in Australia, it's the perfect time to take a break to the beach and enjoy the public holidays, good company, sunshine, sand and surf!! The break has meant that returning to work has been draining- not only physically, but also mentally as the politics in the office go to a new low!!! Truthfully I'm not in a great mood today- and it all started after bouncing into the office first thing, and then feeling the vibe and being made to feel crap within the first three minutes!!! Grrrrrrr.....
So tonight when I went to my personal training session, I really gave it everything I had- you should have seen how strong my push ups were- however I was also measured today too. My trainer measures us monthly- apparently I have only lost about 2cm from my whole body (just over half and inch)- geez that made me mad... How can it be so??? I have done a complete turn around since yesterday morning when I discovered that over the Christmas break I had lost 300 grams (0.7lbs)- I was so thrilled with that- I did not put on, even after chocolates, bbqs, ice cream, numerous servings of Christmas Pudding, even fish and chips.... but I know that I have been so concious of what I have been eating, and how much exercise I have been doing, that the 300 grams lost was a great reward! But then to only have lost 2cm... Grrrrrrr.... :(
Anyway- on another positive note- I have dropped a dress size!! I was a size 18 (Au) for the longest time, and on the weekend I bought a pair of jeans (for $19.95) off a sale rack (that would usually be for size 8s!!) from Just Jeans (a 'smaller person's' jeans shop)- they were a size 16, and they fit like a glove!! My best friend has had to take them up for me, when she saw them on me she said "Somehow, I don't think these are going to fit you for much longer"!! I'm sure she's right!!! And as if that wasn't exciting enough, there was a dress in a store that I had been eyeing off for days, but for $55 I just wasn't prepared to buy it- besides the biggest size they had was a size 14!! But when I saw that it was 30% off, I knew I had to try that 14 on.... my mentality was that there was no way a size 14 would fit, so by trying it on I would let go of the desire to have it..... BUT- I tried it on, and it fit.... in fact it fits really well.... so I had to buy it!!! Two bargains, two smaller sizes= BONUS!!!
My trainer and I had a big talk the other week about self perception.... It's only been recently that I have really started to listen to the horrible things I call myself, and the horrible things I say to myself! I was just as surprised as I'm sure you would be, to realise that I was calling myself things like 'fat pig', 'fatty bumba', 'lard ass', and I would look at myself in absolute disgust and criticise myself for eating chocolate, or pigging out on a meal, or not going for a walk- so much so that I probably was driving myself to emotional eat, just so that I could hate myself and sabotage myself more.... Kelly (my trainer) asked me if I would ever say those things about any of my friends... of course my answer was NO WAY... then she asked if any of my friends would say that about me- my answer was 'No, of course not' (although that horribe voice in my head was quietly saying that they might be thinking it- although realistically I know that they wouldn't be)!! Why do we do that to ourselves- is it the media that makes us be so horrible to ourselves? Is it our family? Is it from abuse that we don't even remember? Is it from a boyfriend that was mean to us? Is it from not achieving our goals, and looking for answers, and thinking those answers were because it was us that didn't push hard enough, so this is our punishment?? I don't know what it was- but as Kelly said, you have to start being kind to yourself. Look in the mirror, and see the good parts, notice the changes that you like- for example, start by noticing how nice your shoulders look this week- maybe next week you might notice that your back is looking nicer etc- just start noticing the things that others see in you. She also suggested that positive affirmations are priceless and effective- she told me to say things like "I AM 70kgs", "I AM size 12" etc.... I think I'm going to write some of these affirmations and stick them to my bathroom mirror....
That brings me to my next story.... We had a girls night at the RSL on Saturday night (6 of us from the Caravan Park). It was a fun night (like it always is)... to watch the calories, I drank vodka with soda water, lime and bitters.... Anyway, my friend was showing the other girls the photo she has on her facebook profile. It was taken a few years ago, at a time when she was dieting, and had gone and had her make up and hair done for an evening event. She is a great looking girl, but this photo is a stunning picture of her. As she was showing the girls, they were gaping, uncertain that what they were seeing was really a photo of my friend... My friend loved their gaping. Seeing their response made me want to show them the photo on my profile (the same one I use on my blog)- this is one of my all time favourite photos of myself- I actually like looking at it, and think I look good in it!!!! So I showed the girls, to which they all looked at me dumbfounded, and each of them said that that is exactly what I look like all the time! I could NOT believe they were saying that. These girls see me with no make up, no hair styled, in jeans and tees (or bathers = aussie term for swimsuit). Each of them without provocation was saying with conviction that the photo I had shown them was me- and that I am beautiful. They couldn't believe that I didn't realise that I was so beautiful- they said not only physically, but also on the inside. WOW- what an amazing compliment. Of course I don't fully believe them, I'm sure they were just being nice- but it made me realise that the way we see ourselves can be SO different from the way other people see you. You think you know yourself better than anyone, but perhaps in many circumstances we underestimate ourselves when others see the true value in us....... I can't help but still feel like a bit of an ugly duckling, but I will always remember their kind words and their reaction- it will go towards building up a stronger person and improving my self confidence and ego!
Time for another entry I think... give you a break from this long rambling one!!
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoy following our journey- both Curvy Girl and I are so excited about the way we are going to look and feel during this year. We both have some exciting goals and plans set out, and we hope we can motivate our friends, families and followers whilst we continue on our journey!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
My Going Away Present to 2009
I didn't make a resolution this year because I already made one too myself when I started this and that is a life long resolution so there was no need to make it again. I left that to things like be the best mom I can be and be more open to new things.
I am very proud of myself and for the first time I don't feel embarrassed to say that. I have kept it up even when it is trying. Last weekend I fell of the healthy eating and got back on, then this week I fell and sprained my wrist quite badly but the same day I got out of urgent care I came home, put my brace on and took the dog for a 45 minute walk. (It was my left hand so I could hold her in my right) We are kind of on hold with the walking as the temps are negative with the windchills right now but I used one of my many dvd's yesterday. Today I think that I will try my new game for Wii from Jillian of The Biggest Loser.
I am feeling very optimistic about this and I hope you all are having the success you want. I also thank you for following this because writing this is a great tool for me to keep making my journey.
Happy 2010 everyone!