Sunday is National Cereal Day. So to celebrate let's talk about one of the most common breakfast items that people eat. Walking down the cereal aisle at the store can be a dizzying experience! There is a variety of colors, shapes and characters jumping at you from boxes and bags.
You may have already heard that they place items they want to sell at eye level, but there is much more that goes into product advertising. Who isn't "Coocoo for Cocoa Puffs", feeling "GREEAATT", or starting their morning with a "Snap, Crackle, Pop"? I am an avid lover of Fruit Loops! That toucan makes some sweet cereal! I remember all the toys that would come in the box when I was a kid. 3 kids and one toy in the box made for some interesting mornings let me tell you!
But take away the cute characters, toy incentives and what are you left with? Something that isn't very healthy for you or filling. My daughter is always trying to ask for Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Who came up with that? Don't get me wrong but what person let alone kid needs to start their day with multiple servings of sugary squares. They may fortify it with vitamins but it is basically sugar squares. Same concept as those Baby Bottle Pops but that could be a WHOLE separate blog. Yes you may start your day with a spring after eating a heaping bowl of it but the crash you will feel shortly after that is going to be bad. Then you are going to need more sugar to perk up and the cycle continues.
Did you know that most cereal's have a serving size of 3/4 (30g) cup? Measure it out some time and see how small it is compared to what we just pour in a bowl. If you want something a little better for you look for the boxes that are a little plainer. Things that are healthy are not going to have a character, toy or big flashing sign. My opinion on life is that things you really need or are good for you are quiet. They don't need to advertise in a flashy way because their reputation will spread by word of mouth.
I'll let you in on a little secret. Some of the healthy stuff tastes HORRIBLE! But I have found many over the years that are not bad. Kashi makes some wonderful cereals but can be a little pricey. They are high in fiber and also make great snacks on the run. I personally endorse the Heart to Heart (better for you Cheerios), Peanut Butter Squares and Cinnamon Squares. I tried Special K cereal but just couldn't stomach it. Basically it is Frosted Flakes without the sugar.. no thanks.
Right now I eat Frosted Mini Wheats. Yes it has sugar but the fiber in it keeps my points down and fills me up longer.
Do you have a special cereal or healthy breakfast that you eat?
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