No I am not channeling my inner Britney Spears this morning. I gained again this week. It was 3 pounds and I knew it was coming. How you ask? Because I didn't do a darn thing I know I needed to do this week. I didn't journal, eat healthy or exercise. What I did do that was right was get on the scale this morning and face it without letting it send me into a junk food eating binge of "I hate myself I can't do this!". The second thing I did right was to blog about it. I have a tendency to hide when I do not have success at weight loss and that starts the slippery slope to quitting. So I summoned up my courage this morning to share with you my gain.
Life is not perfect and neither am I. I have an addictive personality. I don't really drink, I don't smoke or do drugs. But if I enjoy it I have a tendency to want to do it/have it A LOT. I sometimes have to remind myself that is like an addiction and how well would a recovering person do if they had to drink, smoke or drug every day but only in moderation? Don't misunderstand me that I am saying that people cannot overcome this and lose weight to be healthier, but I truly believe that it is just as hard for people with food issues as it is with other vices to overcome.
So I start another week more committed than I was before and if for no other reason than that the gain was a positive thing. But after I lose them again I consider them a guest who has overstayed their welcome and they are NOT welcome back!
What was your challenge this week?
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