Monday, February 15, 2010

I Like to Move it, Move it!

So in effort to get past this hump in my journey I am recommitting to exercise in any way I can. I do enjoy exercise but if I stop for more than a day I find I have trouble getting started again. Saturday I posted how I was committing to doing Pilates every day for a week. I am proud to say I am on day three now and remembering why I loved it!

I have had a dvd for 7 years and blew the dust of it on Saturday. It is by Crunch and called "Pick Your Spot Pilates". It is three 10 minute segments for your belly, butt and thighs. How can I NOT find 10 minutes a day? Pilates will really whittle the inches away and tone if you keep at it. The only down side to Pilates is that if you stop doing them then the results go away. I don't know why I am always surprised at this.

My recommendation for people starting Pilates is only do a section at a time. When I first started doing them 7 years ago I made the mistake of doing all three sections for three days in a row. I was practically paralyzed! It shouldn't surprise me as I am not very good at an exercise that will utilize your whole body all at once. I do better when I can focus my attention and work in one area and then rotate areas.

I also want to recommend for those of you who have Wii a new game called "Just Dance". You hold your Wii remote in your right hand and follow the moves on the screen to different songs. It will judge you on your accuracy sensed by the remote. It is loads of fun and after 30 minutes I was drenched in sweat! You can't beat a combo like that.

What is your go to way to get or keep moving?

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