Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My week of Contradictions

Firstly I must start with an apology.... I have had every intention of writing my 'Sunday' post, but have had computer issues and lack of time... Finally I have a few minutes before bed, and am finally able to prioritise Two Friend's Journey (just like it should be!).

So, my week... well I did NOT lose anything AT ALL..... However, I also did NOT gain anything AT ALL!!! So for what could be perceived as a negative, I'm choosing to see as a positive- naturally that being I did not gain!!

Why didn't I lose weight?? Like the title of this post suggests, it's been a real week of contradictions... Let me explain!

To answer my own question- I think the reason I didn't lose weight is because I ate too much bread, and had a day when I ate pate and cheese (two things that rarely enter my mouth these days).... it doesn't seem, when I say it out loud, that it's a very good reason, but it's really the only thing that I slipped on this week (although there were two mornings where I didn't walk- but most weeks I slip up a little there- oh, although I didn't do any long walks during the week either.... so maybe that did contribute too)...

Regardless, this week I felt great! I seriously noticed this week that clothes that I wear every day, somehow overnight just simply did not fit anymore- way to big!! And even many of the size 16 clothes I've purchased recently seem to be getting baggy! (*smile*)!! And I've tried on so many clothes from my wardrobe that I haven't even looked at for years, and they fit so beautifully- some too big already... sadly most are winter clothes, so am unlikely to really get the chance to wear what fits me now- since they will be too big by the time I need them!!!!

And over the last week I've discovered that I can jog 2.2km... If you include today, then I have jogged 2.2km non-stop on three separate occasions!!! That to me is such a milestone! And yet I have felt the most unfit I have felt since I started on this journey. Admittedly, my fitness has increased substantially since then, but I really felt unfit! I had a few days of being out of breath on my morning walk before I even finished my warm-up!! (I did take hand weights out this week- 1.4kg each-, and that seemed to make a real difference- much harder!!)

  • No weight loss
  • Clothes way too big (all of a sudden)
  • Can jog 2.2km
  • Feel unfit

Explain that!!!

Never the less, a new week, a new opportunity....

My 90kg reward (ie the reward I plan to give myself when I reach 90kg) was going to be a new tattoo that I have wanted for about the last five years (a heart inside the outline of a star with swirls coming off the points of the star- size of a small circle {think tip of index finger meets tip of thumb} on my upper back), but I've decided that a much better reward will be to up my personal training sessions to three a week (instead of two). I really enjoy those sessions, and I figure by increasing my activity in that respect, I'm going to get to 85kg, 80kg, 75kg, 70kg a whole lot faster than if I went out and got a tattoo!!! So the tatt will be my reward at 85kg I think, and that gorgeous swimsuit at 80kg!!

So here's to a successful week- looks like CG and I are in-tune with our bodies habits, even though we're oceans apart!! I think we'll both be very eager to tell you all about our week come next weekend!


(I also entered the Australian Weight Loss Challenge- after three months if you have lost more than 5kg you go in the running to win $10k!! Nothing to lose accept the kilos, right?!!)

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