Saturday, January 23, 2010

Goodbye 800 grams!!

And that's another 800 grams I hope to never see again!! Yep- I lost 800 grams!!! That's about 1.5lbs, and I'm pretty happy with that....

It's been an interesting week- a few cold mornings, and a few late nights resulted in no excercise for three days straight! It's been a while since I haven't done any exercise for that long... But I did buy a new pair of Asic Gels last weekend, and I have loved them every time I have put them on this week... It's like walking on a cloud!! My last pair were also Asic Gels, but I'd bought them in 2006 when I travelled around the world... I think I must have walked 50 miles in them just in New York!! Needless to say that in 3.5 years they'd seen a lot of the world, and in recent times walked the block many many times, and attended quite a few personal training sessions, and they just weren't offering the support I needed!!! (That sounds so funny- but you know what I mean). Also, they were literally starting to fall apart!! They say you should exercise for the equivalent to 500 kms or 500 miles (something like that) in a pair of sneakers- mine definitely did that and more... so they fared well!!! I have had sore shins this week though, and I'm hoping it's not because I got the cheaper of the Asics- I opted not to get the Duo Max, as they were another $60... The Duo Max offer anti roll, and a bit more arch support.... Maybe I'll have to save up to get an upgraded pair- perhaps I'll do that when I head to the USA mid year!

Temptations were in full swing this week... some delicious cookies at work.... lunches made for me that were scrumptious (and healthy) but didn't quite fit the standard meal profile that I follow.... and chocolate... and chocolate... and chocolate!!! Oh, and even some fresh licorice!!! I suppose I knew what I was doing, so perhaps I didn't indulge as much as I would have before I started on this weight loss journey?....

I also really pushed myself with my work outs this week, and changed my walks daily (I read somewhere that every now and then you should change your routine so that your body doesn't become too used to the activity that you are doing). One morning I ran the furthest I think I have ever run (that was the first morning I had my new Asics on!!); I had a walking buddy one morning, which was loads of fun.... we ran a little of the way, but mostly walked; the next morning I ran even further than the morning that I thought was the furthest I'd ever run!!! That morning I ran and ran and ran (okay, well I jogged and jogged and jogged is probably a better way to describe it!!), then walked a bit, then jogged and jogged and jogged... you get the picture!!! We had some tough work outs at training as well.... I am really enjoying the training. And this weekend I have walked for over an hour each morning, taking a gravel track for part of it, that has some inclines and declines as well...

I have had a niggling knee thing going on this week- it's a bit stiff and 'clicky'.... I've decided to start having fish oil tablets, since I don't really eat seafood, and apparently the fish oil is good for your joints... maybe that will make a difference. I don't think I've ever spoken about vitamins and that kind of thing on the blog- each day I take a women's multi vitamin, a B complex and Magnesium... and now fish oil... I was taking them 7 days a week, but have decided to have a rest from them on the weekends- I don't know if there is any benefit in doing that, but I figure the tablets will last longer, saving me a few dollars, and my body will be more ready for them at the beginning of each week!!! If anyone knows of any great vitamins to be taking, particularly to support weight loss, or great health, I'd love to hear about it....

My best friend told me this week that she thinks I'm losing my 'bum' (my butt for the US followers!!)... And the girls at personal training are still ranting on about how thin I'm looking.... I weigh 92.3kg (203lbs), so I think they're all going a bit overboard... but it does make me feel better!!!

Some friends on facebook have been commenting that they think I'm looking great too... I am not sure how this can be since I've really only posted head shots lately, but they say they can see it in my face... And my flat mate (who is sadly moving out- so if anyone knows someone in Melbourne looking for a room to rent, send them my way!!) who I haven't seen in months said he could see it in my face and neck.... It really is nice to get the compliments... I just hope my belly disappears soon- that's the area I hate the most (and my boobs!!!)....

CG shared a great link with me this week- I want to share it with you all too (I hope you don't mind CG)...
This article really rings true for the both of us.... we can really relate.

It's been another tough week financially, with the notification that my flat mate is moving out only adding to the problem... I think I may be suffering from some depression around this, which is probably the reason for the chocolate binging.... So the answer is that I have to do something about it right?? I have some ideas in mind, the first being to apply for some jobs that are a bit more challenging, and more in my duties and salaries expectations.... I haven't done my tax yet (no comments on that please- I know it's crazy late)- but that money will go straight to my cruise (that I'm going on in November- just another incentive to lose weight!!!) and the rest on the credit card! I cannot let these money problems give me a reason to binge eat, as it only makes me feel worse.... If anyone has any ideas to help me avoid that, I'd love to hear those too!

It's Australia Day on Tuesday, so a public holiday. I think I'll be having a bbq lunch that day- so hope to fill up on salads!! And I'll only have one personal training session because of the public holiday, so will have to make the most of the morning walks... I'm seeing a life coach on Wednesday night too... will be very interesting to see what comes out of that (I'm hoping that it will be a really positive experience). And it's my bestie's hubby (who I also consider a bestie)'s 30th on the weekend... so lots to look forward to...

I've been cooking meals, and freezing them in hope that the control over portion sizes will aid in some extra weight loss.... Hopefully I'll have another great result next week. Hope you all have a great week too.


Oh, and another thing... I'm competing in a 'Human Race' for charity!! It's going to be like a mini Amazing Race... Here's the link to what we are doing. If you feel that it's a cause you'd like to donate to, we'd appreciate the support, as would the charities.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Ok so thought it was about time i commented on this awsome blog you've got going on here :) After having a few tears this weekend... Gotta say i was choking back a few yesterday when we were chatting and then again when i've just read your blog entries for this week. That application for the weightloss comp was so brave! And i just really wanted to reiterate to you how much of an amazing person I think you are, and i really hope you know that i love you so very much! Congratulations on another 800 grams lost! And best of luck for the competition, either way you've got this weightloss thing down pat and I am so proud of you for making such a possitive adjustment to your life. You go girl :)
